i want to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all muslims... many experiences i got through this Raya... my sister and i, return to the village on 27 sept....when we reach there, my mother was buzy bake the raya cookies such as Almond London, pineapple tart and so on....urmmm...yummyyyy... that's my favourite cookies.... on the last day of fasting, my father burn Lemang... all the Lemang are soooooooooo it with matching....
on that 1st hari raya, i did not wear my new cloths because my mother not have enough time to sewing my cloths... i dislike to let another people to sew my cloths coz i feel soooo uncomfortable.. just my mum can sew all my cloths....
after the hari raya praying, we all gathered at a living room and eat together....this hari raya is sooooooo bored....i have 6 siblings and just 3 return to home, another 3 buzy with their work.. they do not have holiday to celebrate hari raya with family... my life is so bored without them.... and i'm also bored coz no one of my friend come to my house coz all of them return to their own village.... i'm so lonely juz like Akon said 'lonely...i'm mrs lonely...i have nobody..ohhh my own...' hehehehe.... i juz waiting the guests come to my house...and my hari raya juz going like that..... but i enjoy myself at home....on the 4th hari raya, i going back to exam is waiting me............................oh nooooooo!!!!!
friendship is over..
15 years ago